Biblical meaning of waking up at 3am

The significance of waking up at 3 am is often associated with spiritual awakening or a call to prayer. Many Christians believe God speaks to them during this time, making it a powerful and meaningful experience.

The biblical perspective on waking up at 3 am The Bible refers to the importance of waking up early in the morning to seek God’s presence (Psalm 63:1, Mark 1:35). It is also believed that Jesus was born during the third watch of the night, which is between 3 am and 6 am.

Why waking up at 3 am is important

Waking up at 3 am is a time when the world is quiet and still, making it an ideal time for prayer and meditation. It is also believed that the spiritual realm is more active during this time, making it easier to connect with God.

Biblical Meaning of Waking Up at 3 am: The Night Watch

In biblical times, the night was divided into four watches, each lasting three hours. The watches were used for various purposes, including guarding, working, and praying.

The significance of the night watches

The first watch (6 pm to 9 pm) was known as “evening” when people finished their work and prepared for the night. The second watch (9 pm to midnight) was known as “midnight” when people were sleeping or on guard duty. Finally, the third watch (midnight to 3 am) was known as “the cock-crowing” when the rooster crowed, signaling the start of a new day.

The first watch: Lamentations 2:19-20

The first watch is associated with lamentation and repentance. In Lamentations 2:19-20, the prophet Jeremiah calls on the people to cry out to God during the first watch and to pour out their hearts like water before Him.

The second watch: Judges 7:19-20

The second watch is associated with victory and deliverance. For example, in Judges 7:19-20, Gideon and his army attack the Midianites during the second watch and are victorious with God’s help.

The third watch: Matthew 14:25-26

The third watch is associated with fear and uncertainty. For example, in Matthew 14:25-26, Jesus walks on water towards His disciples during the third watch, and they are afraid, thinking it is a ghost.

Understanding the Prayer Watches

The concept of prayer watches

Prayer watches are specific times set aside for prayer and intercession. They are based on the belief that God works in specific ways during certain times of the day and night and that our prayers can align with His purposes during those times.

The significance of praying during the night hours

Praying during the night hours is believed to be particularly powerful, as it is a time when the distractions of the day are gone, and the spiritual realm is more active.

The connection between prayer watches and spiritual warfare

Prayer watches are often associated with spiritual warfare, as they are times when we can pray for protection, deliverance, and victory over the enemy.

The spiritual meaning of waking up at 3 am

Waking up at 3 am is believed to be when God speaks to His people. Therefore, it is often seen as a call to prayer, meditation, or worship.

The biblical basis for prayer watches

The Bible refers to prayer and worship during various times of the day and night, including morning, noon, and night (Psalm 55:17). It also refers to the night as a time of special significance for prayer and communion with God (Psalm 119:62).

Jacob’s encounter with God: Genesis 32:22-32

In Genesis 32:22-32, Jacob wrestles with an angel all night until daybreak. This encounter results in a new name, Israel, and a new understanding of God’s power and presence.

Samuel’s call from God: 1 Samuel 3:1-10

In 1 Samuel 3:1-10, Samuel hears God’s voice calling to him three times during the night and finally responds, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Jesus’ prayer in the garden: Mark 14:32-42

In Mark 14:32-42, Jesus goes to the garden of Gethsemane to pray with His disciples. He asks them to watch and pray with Him while He agonizes over His impending arrest and crucifixion.

The Prayer Watches During the Night

The three prayer watches and their significance:

  1. The first watch (6 pm to 9 pm) is associated with thanksgiving and praise, as it is when people finish their work and return home to their families.
  2. The second watch (9 pm to midnight) is associated with waiting and expectation, as it is when people prepare for sleep and anticipate the next day’s events.
  3. The third watch (midnight to 3 am) is associated with spiritual warfare and communion with God, as it is a time when the spiritual realm is more active, and our prayers can be more effective.

The connection between prayer watches and the Jewish tradition

Prayer watches are rooted in the Jewish tradition of dividing the night into watches for prayer and worship. This tradition was based on the belief that God is always present and active and that our prayers can align with His purposes during specific times of the day and night.

The importance of praying during each of the prayer watches

Praying during each prayer watch is important because it helps us align our hearts and minds with God’s purposes and join Him in His work in the world.

The Third Prayer Watch: 3 am to 6 am

The significance of the third prayer watch

The third prayer watch is considered the most significant because it was when Jesus was born and when He returns (Matthew 24:44). It is also believed to be when the spiritual realm is most active, and our prayers can be most effective.

The spiritual activity during the third watch

During the third watch, there is believed to be increased spiritual activity, including angelic visitations, prophetic dreams, and visions.

The importance of praying during the third watch

Praying during the third watch is important because it allows us to connect with God more deeply and join Him in His work.

Biblical examples of prayer during the third watch

There are several examples in the Bible of people praying during the third watch.

How to discern the message in waking up at 3 am during the third prayer watch

To discern God’s message during the third watch, we can seek God’s guidance through prayer and meditation, pay attention to dreams and visions, and listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.

Seeking God’s guidance through prayer and meditation

We can seek God’s guidance by praying and meditating on His word during the third watch, asking Him to reveal His will and purpose.

Paying attention to dreams and visions

God often speaks to us through dreams and visions during the third watch, revealing His will and purpose for our lives.

Listening to the Holy Spirit’s prompting

The Holy Spirit often speaks to us during the third watch, prompting us to take action or make changes in our lives.

The importance of obedience in responding to God’s message

It is important to obey God’s message when we discern it during the third watch, as it is a time when He is speaking to us in a powerful and meaningful way.

Taking action based on God’s message

Taking action based on God’s message during the third watch can lead to spiritual growth, personal transformation, and a deeper relationship with God.

Trusting in God’s plan and timing

When we respond to God’s message during the third watch, it is important to trust in His plan and timing, even if it is not what we expect or desire.


In conclusion, waking up at 3 am is significant in the spiritual realm and is often seen as a call to prayer, meditation, or worship. Understanding the night watches and prayer watches in Scripture can help us to align our hearts and minds with God’s purposes and to discern His message during the third watch.

We can experience spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with Him by responding to God’s message with obedience and trust. As believers, let us be open and receptive to God’s voice during the third watch and seek to join Him in His work.

10 thoughts on “Biblical meaning of waking up at 3am

  1. Matthew 14:25 actually says “the fourth watch”, so you are missing the 3rd watch.

    It is a good read and has given me a great understanding.

  2. How do we manage sleep during all of these watches? Also, how does God speak to us in a dream if we are always awake? Does he do it during day dreaming?

    1. Yes, at least for me. God has given me visions and quick glimpses when I’m awake. God can speak in dreams, and be very careful with that. Cause it’s very easy to mislabel the work of the devil with the voice of God if you don’t know what to look for. No. 1 Jesus if it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ its not from God. 2.If it contradicts his word its not from God! The Bible says that even a little yeast could ruin the whole loaf. I.e if you get the faintest hint the the dream is not from God it’s not. The devil likes to hide in the church pews (if you get my meaning)Cause I’ve had many dreams claiming it was God but it turns out it wasn’t.

      1. I also have dreams but not often. When I get them, they’re profound. I was woken up two weeks ago in the middle of a dream and there was a loud whisper outside of my body in my ear that woke me up. I was told my gifts were taken from me. So, to be clear, if it has nothing to do with Jesus, it’s Satan? Also, I heard a loud breath outside my body a different night while awake waiting to fall asleep.

        FYI, I’ve had mystical experiences since my childhood. I was not a good Christian or knowledgeable about scripture and only innately understood it was a God given gift. Since an experience with Jesus, my first one directly with Him, I’ve had two dreams and now I’m seeing spirits. Do you know anything about that? Any advice or do you understand what all of this is about?

  3. Thank you Andrew, for this simple but biblical way to understand why I may be waking up at 3am. I appreciate the information and scriptures associated with the topic. It’s a very easy to read format.
    I will be applying your knowledge and journaling as much as possible.

  4. I used to dedicate a nocturnal prayer watch with my Catholic church. I had no idea how important this was till now. I haven’t been going to church, and lately I’ve been getting up everyday between the hour of 2am to 3:30 am is when I’ll fall asleep. I started praying and then realized that there was a significance to this and I looked up on Google and here it was what I’ve always felt.

  5. I found you at 3:30 am when I was laying for quite a while I’ve been in my bed sick about a week. Wondering why 3am I researched there you were. And to the commenter above – I looked up and dont see anything in the NKV about the fourth hour. I’m wondering which version, Andrew, is this found?
    Andrew thank you and may the Lord bless you for all your helpful insight and keep up the awesome work. We need a place to turn that is good and pure

    1. I just looked it up. In the NKJV is where it says 4th watch. In NIV it says shortly before dawn and in CSB it says very early in the morning.

  6. Thank you for the in insight…does God wakes us up every night..I’ve been feeling this over a year? Yes I do get up and pray,, I really can’t share what I’ve been going throught but I’ve sometime wake up from a war zone spiritural some times my body is sour. Please pray for me also thank you

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