Finding Strength in Surrender: To Fully Rely on God Meaning

The concept of fully relying on God is central to a Spirit-filled Christian’s walk of faith. It involves putting our faith in God’s purpose for our life and relying on His wisdom rather than our own.

This article will explore the meaning of fully relying on God, the benefits of doing so, practical steps to achieving this reliance, and examples from the Bible of those who exemplified this trust. We will also talk about the difficulties that can arise and the part the community plays in our journey.

Understanding What It Means to Fully Rely on God

Recognizing God’s Sovereignty

We must first acknowledge God’s sovereignty over everything in our life to rely on Him. (Psalm 103:19). God is in charge, and His wisdom is far greater than ours. (Isaiah 55:8-9). Knowing that God has our best interests in mind, we may rely on Him to direct our steps and help us make choices that align with His perfect will.

Trusting God in Every Situation

Fully relying on God implies putting all your trust in Him, no matter how tough or unpredictable the circumstance may seem. (Proverbs 3:5-6). This is giving Him our cares, fears, and anxieties and enabling His peace to keep our hearts and minds at peace. (Philippians 4:6-7).

Benefits of Relying on God

Peace of Mind

The peace of God that exceeds all understanding is what we experience when we put our trust in God’s plan for our life. (Philippians 4:7). Knowing God is in charge and has our best interests in mind gives us this tranquility.

Spiritual Growth

We can develop spiritually through relying on God as we learn to rely on His strength and direction. (2 Peter 3:18). Our faith grows as we get closer to Him and act and think more like Christ.

Overcoming Challenges

God pledges to stay at our sides during difficult times and offer a way out of temptation. (1 Corinthians 10:13). We can face and overcome life’s difficulties by putting our trust in Him, knowing He is by our side at every turn.

Practical Steps to Relying on God


Prayer is our direct line of communication with God and is crucial to developing a bond based on faith and trust. (1 Thessalonians 5:17). In prayer, we seek God’s wisdom and direction while communicating our ideas, feelings, and concerns to Him.

Reading and Meditating on Scripture

The Bible is God’s Word and serves as our moral compendium. (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Understanding God’s nature and promises via Scripture reading and meditation increases our faith in Him. (Joshua 1:8). We can more clearly understand God’s will for our lives if we bury His Word in our hearts.

Seeking Godly Wisdom

God guarantees that those who seek it will receive it. (James 1:5). Getting advice from experienced Christians and looking into the lives of biblical figures who trusted in God can both be very helpful in understanding what it means to trust in Him.

Submitting to God’s Will

We must be willing to submit to God’s will and let go of our own wishes and plans if we are to totally rely on Him. (Proverbs 19:21). This entails putting His Word into practice in all our decisions and seeking His direction in our thoughts, attitudes, and deeds.

Examples of Biblical Characters Who Relied on God


Abraham showed his dependence on God by offering his son Isaac as a sacrifice, knowing God would make a way. (Genesis 22:1-18).


Joseph endured many hardships and disappointments, but he believed in God’s plan for his life. As a result, he eventually rose to prominence in Egypt and protected his family from hunger. (Genesis 37-50).


David, a man after God’s own heart, trusted in God throughout his life and clung to Him for support and wisdom in both adversity and triumph. (1 Samuel 16-2 Samuel 24).


The Apostle Paul faced many challenges but never wavered in his faith in God, proclaiming the gospel and founding churches throughout the known globe. (Acts 9-28).

The Role of Community in Relying on God

We are greatly aided in our dependence on God by our fellowship with other believers. We can strengthen our faith and develop a deeper trust in God via the support, accountability, and encouragement offered in Christian community. (Hebrews 10:24-25).

The Challenges of Relying on God

Relying on God can be difficult, especially when our circumstances appear hopeless or our faith is tested. Nevertheless, it is crucial to hold onto God’s promises throughout these times, seek the encouragement of other Christians, and keep believing in His purpose and timing. (Isaiah 40:31).


To fully rely on God, one must have faith in His omnipotence, discernment, and love. We can develop our faith and enjoy the peace and joy that come from a life entirely dedicated to Him by making practical steps like prayer, reading Scripture, seeking divine knowledge, and surrendering to His plan.


What does it mean to fully rely on God?

Fully relying on God entails giving up our goals and ambitions in favor of His perfect will and surrendering all to His sovereignty, wisdom, and love in every area of our life.

Can I rely on God even when I don’t understand what’s happening?

When we don’t understand our situation, relying on God is very important. We may manage challenging circumstances and develop our faith by trusting His goodness and wisdom.

How can I encourage others to rely on God?

Sharing your own instances of relying on God, providing prayer and support, pointing them to Scripture, and putting them in touch with Christian community for fellowship and accountability are all effective ways to encourage others to do the same.


Im Andrew, I am an Intercessory Missionary in Kansas City. My journey through trials and triumphs has equipped me with unique insight and a deep passion for encountering Jesus and understanding prophetic experiences.

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