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Meaning of Heart in the Bible: An Exploration into the Spirit

The heart holds profound significance in the realm of Christian beliefs and practices. It is a metaphorical wellspring encompassing our thoughts, emotions, and intentions. The Bible portrays the heart as a vital aspect of one’s spiritual journey. In this article, we will embark on a comprehensive exploration of the spiritual meaning of the heart in the Bible.

I recently wrote about the 10 Types of Hearts in the Bible, and decide to write another post elaborating on them a little more.

Definition of Heart in the Biblical Context

It is important to distinguish between its physical and symbolic representations to fully grasp the spiritual significance of the heart as portrayed in the Bible. While the physical heart is indeed responsible for pumping blood and sustaining life, the Bible attributes a much deeper meaning to the term. The words used for “heart” in Hebrew and Greek – “lebab” and “kardia,” respectively – are not only referring to the physical organ; they also encompass the core of one’s being. It is described as the seat of emotions, thoughts, and intentions.

Thus, when we talk about the heart in the biblical context, it is not simply discussing the physical organ that pumps blood throughout the body. Rather, it is an exploration of the very essence of what makes us who we are. It examines the motivations behind our actions, the thoughts that guide our decisions, and the emotions that drive us forward.

In this way, the heart can be seen as a complex and multifaceted concept that holds great significance in the Bible. By understanding the nuances of this term, we can gain a greater appreciation for the intricate and profound ways in which the Bible speaks to the human experience.

What Does the Bible Say About the Spiritual Meaning of Heart?

The spiritual meaning of the heart is a topic explored in depth through the teachings of the Bible. It is evident from passages such as Mark 7:21-23 that sin is an internal issue stemming from the heart. This idea is further reinforced in Luke 8:12, where the hardness of the heart is compared to rocky soil that prevents spiritual growth.

The Bible also emphasizes the importance of internal purity, as seen in Matthew 12:34, which highlights the connection between the heart and our words. It is clear from these passages that the heart is a crucial aspect of our spiritual life and requires attention and care.

To delve into the spiritual significance of the heart, we turn to the teachings of the Bible. It sheds light on the profound connection between the heart and various aspects of our spiritual life. Consider passages like Mark 7:21-23, which emphasize the inner nature of sin, or Luke 8:12, where the hardness of the heart is likened to rocky soil that impedes spiritual growth. Furthermore, Matthew 12:34 highlights the correlation between the heart and our words, underscoring the importance of internal purity.

Different Types of Hearts in the Bible

Clean vs. Unclean/Impure Heart

The Bible often speaks of the condition of the heart in terms of cleanliness or purity. A clean heart signifies spiritual purity, where one’s thoughts, desires, and intentions align with God’s will. In Psalm 51:10, the psalmist prays for a clean heart, recognizing the need for spiritual purification. Conversely, an unclean or impure heart harbors thoughts and intentions contradicting God’s commands, leading to spiritual defilement.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy/Diseased Heart

Just as physical health is crucial for overall well-being, the Bible also addresses the concept of a healthy heart in a spiritual sense. A healthy heart is characterized by aligning with God’s principles and cultivating virtues such as faith, love, and righteousness. Proverbs 4:23 urges believers to guard their hearts diligently, recognizing that an unhealthy or diseased heart can lead to spiritual downfall.

True vs. False/Deceptive/Insincere Heart

The authenticity of the heart plays a pivotal role in one’s relationship with God. A true heart is sincere, genuine, and free from deceit. Jeremiah 17:9 warns against the inherent deceitfulness of the human heart, emphasizing the need for self-examination and an intense desire for transformation. Conversely, a false, deceptive, or insincere heart hinders spiritual growth and disrupts the intimate connection with God.

The Heart vs. The Brain

While the brain is often associated with logic and reasoning, the heart takes center stage in biblical teachings. It serves as the core of one’s spiritual life, representing the center of affection, devotion, and obedience to God. The heart’s role extends beyond intellectual understanding, encompassing an emotional and experiential connection with the divine.

The Importance of Our Heart in Christian Life

Loving with Our Heart

At the core of the Christian faith lies the commandment to love God and others with all our hearts. Jesus Himself emphasized this fundamental principle in Mark 12:30-31 and Matthew 22:37. Love emanates from the depths of our being, encompassing our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Through the outpouring of love, we demonstrate our devotion to God and cultivate meaningful relationships with others. Love is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, reflecting the very nature of God Himself.

Guarding Our Heart

Scripture encourages believers to guard their hearts diligently. Proverbs 4:23 offers this wisdom, highlighting the importance of protecting our hearts from anything that may lead us astray. We remain vigilant against negative influences, harmful ideologies, and sinful temptations by guarding our hearts. Through this practice, we fortify our spiritual well-being, preserving our intimacy with God and fostering growth in our faith. Protecting our hearts requires discernment, prayer, and a steadfast commitment to aligning our thoughts and desires with God’s truth.

The Spiritual Formation of Our Heart

Transforming Your Heart (Spirit or Will) – Soul Shepherding

The transformation of the heart lies at the core of the Christian spiritual journey. When we encounter Christ and surrender our lives to Him, the Holy Spirit begins a profound work of transformation within us. Our heart, representing the deepest aspects of our spirit and will, undergoes a renewal process. As we yield to the work of the Holy Spirit, our thoughts, desires, and intentions align with God’s will. Romans 12:2 urges believers not to conform to the patterns of this world but to allow their minds to be transformed, resulting in a heart that reflects the character of Christ.

Submitting Our Divided Will to God

A divided will pose a significant obstacle to the spiritual health of our hearts. It occurs when conflicting desires and priorities vie for control over our lives. James 4:7-8 calls believers to submit to God, resist the world’s temptations, and draw near Him. By surrendering our divided will to God’s authority, we invite Him to bring unity, healing, and wholeness to our hearts. This submission requires humility, trust, and a willingness to relinquish our agenda in favor of God’s perfect plan for our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Bible say our heart is?

According to the Bible, the heart represents the core of our being. It encompasses our thoughts, emotions, desires, and intentions. It is the seat of our spiritual life and plays a crucial role in our relationship with God and others.

How can I develop a clean and healthy heart according to the Bible?

Developing a clean and healthy heart involves intentional spiritual practices. Engage in regular prayer, seeking forgiveness, guidance, and transformation from God. Immerse yourself in Scripture to align your thoughts and desires with God’s truth. Practice acts of service, cultivate forgiveness and surround yourself with a supportive faith community.

How can I guard my heart effectively?

Effectively guarding your heart requires vigilance and discernment. Be intentional about the influences you allow into your life, including media, relationships, and thoughts. Regular self-reflection, spiritual disciplines, and seeking accountability from trusted individuals can aid in guarding your heart against spiritual harm.

What does it mean to love God and others with all our hearts?

Loving God and others with all your heart involves a deep and sincere devotion. It means prioritizing your relationship with God above all else and expressing genuine love, compassion, and care for others. It goes beyond words and encompasses your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

How can I submit my divided will to God and allow Him to transform my heart?

Submitting your divided will to God requires humility, trust, and a willingness to surrender your desires and plans to God’s perfect will. Seek His guidance through prayer and study of Scripture. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in your life, aligning your will with God’s and allowing Him to bring unity and transformation to your heart.


The spiritual significance of the heart in the Bible is a complex and multifaceted concept that holds profound meaning for believers. It represents the core of one’s being, encompassing thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Understanding the nuances of the heart portrayed in the Bible can lead to a deeper appreciation for how God speaks to our human experience.

The Bible portrays the heart as a vital aspect of one’s spiritual journey. It is a metaphorical wellspring encompassing our thoughts, emotions, and intentions. By exploring the different types of hearts portrayed in the Bible, we gain a greater appreciation for the complex nature of this concept.

As believers, we are called to love God and others with all our hearts and to guard our hearts diligently. We can develop a clean and healthy heart through intentional spiritual practices, aligning our thoughts and desires with God’s truth. By submitting our divided will to God, we invite Him to transform our hearts, bringing unity, healing, and wholeness to our lives.


Im Andrew, I am an Intercessory Missionary in Kansas City. My journey through trials and triumphs has equipped me with unique insight and a deep passion for encountering Jesus and understanding prophetic experiences.

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